50 & Fabulous


     There is this potential fear in women’s hearts and it can start with a question.
 “Am I beautiful?”
At the root lies the question of “Am I sexy?” that might really be “Am I desirable?”
 We don’t fear the question.
The fear is in the answer. 
And I HATE this fear.
Please hear me. Your WORTH is not in your appearance. While I believe Boudoir is a powerful tool, it is not able to permanently drive away the many voices that scream at you daily. 
     To settle your heart on the fearless answer to these questions is something of a Spirit matter. A matter of the heart that only you and God really know and only He and you can work towards. 
He is where you’ll find your worth.
 But oh, how I LOVE being a tool in His hands.
With every shoot I want to drive this fear away.
For every client I pray that this Journey is deeper than hair, makeup, and a good picture. 
That the images are a “Yes” but also through them there is a stirring.
A emotional heart response that remains and is remembered every time these images are looked at.
I hope to offer a “Yes” to each and every one of my clients.
“Yes!! You are so very beautiful and yes, you are desired.” 
No matter your age, size, or skin color.
This is Mrs. A. 
She is fabulously in her 50’s and as stunning as ever.
She came to me super nervous and even a little baffled that she was actually stepping – even leaping – far outside her comfort zone. 

From Mrs. A.
     “You re an Inspiration! I can’t tell you how much Wes has enjoyed the photos. I was VERY nervous about the photo shoot, but you have a way of making people comfortable. I was amazed at the pictures. Who would have thought I could look like that! I especially like the “imperfections” were not photo-shopped out. (Wes noticed the little things that make me, me). If I have the opportunity I will do it again!” 
     ~ Mrs. A

From the first time I met Mrs. A I sensed this tender and classic air. She is a women in a different season than my 20/30/40 year old clients. But the question is the same. “With my imperfections am I still lovely?”.
As you are, right now, you are enough. 
You are beautiful.
      Mrs. A, thank you for your bare honesty. It made the trust you so freely gave me that much more special to me. You are a classic beauty and I have a feeling your grace only grows with the passing years. Best wishes to you and Wes on this new Journey.
  1. Rachel Canty says:

    🙂 another beautiful photo shoot… another beautiful woman!!

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Virginia based, Jesus loving, free spirit who specializes in intimate imagery and words that empower women and re-ignites passion for Christ.

Site Credit: Tonic Site Shop 

Remnantphotos@gmail.com | 501.438.1682


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