“Prior to my shoot with Michelle I have done multiple boudoir shoots with other photographers. None of those have compared to this one. I am a very proud curvy girl and although I love my curves I still have those certain areas that I try to disguise and doing that in lingerie is not an easy feat.”“I felt so comfortable with Michelle guiding me that I wasn’t over focused on how my stomach looked or if the evil double chin would make its appearance. The awkwardness and nervous jitters I usually feel were gone instantly and her positive comments made me excited to do each pose.”
“I felt beautiful and sexy during the shoot and that bombshell aura even followed me home that night.”
“Having such an awesome experience during the shoot I was so excited to see the final results, but I was blown away. Every single photo brought tears to my eyes and I couldn’t believe that beautiful woman was me.”
“Each pose was so well thought out and captured that even my “baby fat” that I still blame on my now 8 year old son, wasn’t anything to complain about. I was so nervous to do this shoot because I hadn’t lost the pounds that I wanted to, yet I have never felt more like the curvy goddess I envision myself to someday be.”
“I am completely obsessed with every photo and I show them to every woman that says “oh I could never do that” or “maybe after I lose some weight”. I may not be the size I want to be but why not love every inch in the process? Thank you for making me love myself again❤”
Kirsty, (You wildly sexy beautiful friend of mine)
You are the reason I love my job and your honest words brought me to tears. (no really I started crying ha). Tearing up because while reading them I saw the heart of a friend who truly got the depth behind these boudoir images.
Every inch of your curvy self oozes beauty and this is only more beautiful because of your heart.
Till our next shoot,
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