Our Shared Experience


“Live in each season as it passes; breathe the air, drink the drink, taste the fruit, and resign yourself to the influence of the earth.” – Henry David Thoreau

foggy two-lane road in the middle of nowhere

Two years, two months and two days.

This is how long Thoreau spent nestled in a house he built, by the side of a now famous pond. It was here he explored the connection between man and nature.

He sought to live simple and full. To grab the bull (life) by the horns as we would say and learn from nature by deep introspection as much as possible.

I haven’t read “Walden” in full (it’s on my ever-growing “to read” list), but what I find fascinating in what I have, is how he draws parallels from nature and human emotions. How he saw in the changing of the season, similarities to the rolling complexities of our human experience.

My conclusions might differ from his, but I do see reflections of our life in the constant change of time. Life seems to pass in constant flux, flowing from seasons of winter quiet, new life spring, full bright summers, to the release of autumn’s transition, and back again.

Our lives might not align with the actual physical season we’re in, but they are, nevertheless, something we each experience. Like the steady turning of this world our lives are lived in constant movement. 

horse in a field peering over gate
trees in a forest on an overcast day

Sometimes our busy seasons are spent as we are locked inside because of a winter storm. Sometimes our lightest vibrant ones are lived in the changing colors of Autumn’s release. Sometimes our seasons of unknown are experienced in the bursting life of Spring and our deepest grief lives in the heat of a joy-filled summer sun.

But all of us, every human, goes through life experiencing these changes. Echoes of within witnessed on the outside. Seasons of growth and change, abundance and lack. Each one present, some enjoyed more than others, but all part of our shared experience here on earth.

fence in a shady forest

It is the connection sharing brings that I long for. Connecting through these experiences, through these seasons, so we can encourage one another. Relate to each other. 

Offer our courage and insight when needed. 

Offer our empathy and compassion when required 

Offer a listening ear, a landing place for comfort.

Offer support for the race of life that we are all running.

foggy, rainy day
roosters run through a field on a foggy, cloudy day

Let us share our hope, engage in inspiration with one another so that no matter the season, we all keep our eyes lifted. Gaze towards the more, towards a good good Heavenly Father and know that this, this season, shall pass and there are far better things ahead than even we can dream.

*To learn more about what season you are in head to my website and stay tuned for a quiz.

path through forest

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Virginia based, Jesus loving, free spirit who specializes in intimate imagery and words that empower women and re-ignites passion for Christ.

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Remnantphotos@gmail.com | 501.438.1682


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