I’m excited to share this post so I hope you are excited to read it. I’m excited because this couple is composed of two of my favorite people and I feel like blogging them is somewhat like an introduction. Allow me to introduce you to the couple whose house and hearts burst artistic talent and deep […]
Hello friend! So, it has been FAR to long since I’ve blogged. To be honest I think I started concentrating on being somewhat consistent on Instagram (consistancy in social media NOT my strength) and I just let my blog fall to the wayside, but fret not my pet! I’m back and I promise to use this […]
A sweet sugary smell presses in around me as the scent of spun cotton candy gingerly drifts into my senses. The sizzling sound of batter meeting hot oil and the sight of white powered sugar meeting its fried funnel cake companion is in front of me and all around me is the hypnotic and contagious […]
You know that feeling when you make a new friend, the one that transports you back to your first day of school. When that new girl grabs your hand and the interlocking of your fingers signifies that not even the losing of your new BFF necklace will separate you. The excitement of the natural “click”, […]
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